About Spero Naturopathic
Women's Health & Pediatric Care Specialists

Mind And Body Practices

Natural Products

Healthy Behaviors
At Spero, our mission is to cultivate optimal health for our patients through the synergy of naturopathic medicine principles and the latest advancements in complementary and integrative health research. We strive to provide a comfortable healthcare journey that accommodates the entire family with available appointments. Our approach to natural treatments is comprehensive, embracing integrative, holistic, and evidence-informed methodologies to enhance overall well-being.

The Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine
The Healing Power of Nature (Vis Medicatrix Naturae):
Naturopathic medicine recognizes an inherent self-healing process in people that is ordered and intelligent. Naturopathic physicians act to identify and remove obstacles to healing and recovery, and to facilitate and augment this inherent self-healing process.
Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle Causam):
The naturopathic physician seeks to identify and remove the underlying causes of illness rather than merely eliminate or suppress symptoms.
​First Do No Harm (Primum Non Nocere):
Naturopathic physicians follow three guidelines to avoid harming the patient:
• Utilize methods and medicinal substances that minimize the risk of harmful side effects, using the least force necessary to diagnose and treat;
• Avoid when possible the harmful suppression of symptoms; and
• Acknowledge, respect, and work with individuals’ self-healing process.
Doctor as Teacher (Docere):
Naturopathic physicians educate their patients and encourage self-responsibility for health. They also recognize and employ the therapeutic potential of the doctor-patient relationship.
Treat the Whole Person:
Naturopathic physicians treat each patient by taking into account individual physical, mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, social, and other factors. Since total health also includes spiritual health, naturopathic physicians encourage individuals to pursue their personal spiritual development.
Naturopathic physicians emphasize the prevention of disease by assessing risk factors, heredity and susceptibility to disease, and by making appropriate interventions in partnership with their patients to prevent illness.
House of Delegates Position Paper, Amended 2011
Conditions Commonly Treated
Painful Periods
Fertility Concerns
Cervical Dysplasia
Thyroid and Adrenal Dysfunction
Menopausal - Hot Flashes
Anxiety - Depression
Digestive Complaints
Anxiety Depression
Skin Complaints
Sleep Complaints
Lack of Libido
Weight Management
Adrenal Dysfunction